C\begin{verbatim} c program Alt-NSGA-II-aJG.f program sga c ************************************************** c * * c * Alt-NON-DOMINATED SORTING * c * GENETIC ALGORITHM-II-aJG * c * (Alt-NSGA-II-aJG) * c ************************************************** c NSGA-II as developed by Kalyanmoy Deb, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur c (The simple GA is adapted in Fortran from David E. Goldberg's Pascal c code.The NSGA-II code is adapted in Fortran from Kalyanmoy Deb's C code by c Rahul Kasat). The present Alt version is developed by Manojkumar Ramteke, a graduate student of Dr. S K Gupta, ChE Dept, c IIT Kanpur, India c All rights reserved. This listing is for personal use. c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c This routine finds the optimum point of a constrained c optimization problem using genetic algorithms. c Code your function in subroutine 'funct'. Presently, this subroutine has the ZDT4 Problem c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C ____________________________________________________________________ Integer oldchr1(200,1000), newchrom(200,1000),oldrank(200) Integer chr(1000),lsubstr(50),dummychr(1000),oldrankno(200) c integer newrankar(200,200),newmaxrank,newrankno(200),newrank(200) integer oldrankar(200,200),keepchrom(200,1000),globchrom(400,1000) integer oldmaxrank,grank(400),grankno(400),maxgen,igen integer lchrom,ipopsize,nmute,ncross,nparam C ____________________________________________________________________ double precision oldx(200,50),factor(50),oldcub_len(200) double precision dummyx(50),alow(50),ahigh(50),newx(200,50) double precision oldfit1(200),oldfit2(200),newfit1(200) double precision newfit2(200),keepx(200,50),globfit2(400) double precision keepfit1(200),keepfit2(200),gcub_len(400) double precision globx(400,50),a11(200),globfit1(400),a22(200) double precision nd1(100),nd2(100), sd, error real pjump, pcross, pmute c............. common blocks ......................... c.....for GA parameters common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump c.....for random variables routines common/randvar/oldrand,jrand c.....for other constant common/consts/fix c........ fixed array for random number generator ..... real oldrand(55), fix integer jrand c........ read all GA input parameters first .......... call initdata c ------------------------------------------------------- c............. main program begins here ................ igen = 0 do i = 1,ipopsize do j =1,lchrom oldchr1(i,j)=0 end do do j=1,nparam oldx(i,j)=0.0 end do oldfit1(i)=0.0 oldfit2(i)=0.0 end do c.....create initial population and evaluate********* call initialize(oldchr1,oldx,oldfit1,oldfit2,factor,lsubstr, 1 alow,ahigh,dummyx,dummychr,oldrank,oldcub_len,oldmaxrank, 1 oldrankar,oldrankno) do i=1,ipopsize oldcub_len(i)=0.0 end do c.....main generation loop begins ===== 10 igen = igen + 1 c.....perform one generation of GA operators ==== c contains reproduction, crossover and mutation oldmaxrank=0 do i=1,ipopsize oldrankno(i)=0 oldrank(i)=0 do j=1,ipopsize oldrankar(i,j)=0 end do end do call initranking(oldfit1,oldfit2,oldrank,oldrankno,oldmaxrank, - oldrankar) write(*,*)'oldmaxrank=',oldmaxrank do i=1,ipopsize oldcub_len(i)=0.0 end do do i=1,oldmaxrank call share1(i,oldfit1,oldfit2,oldrankno,oldrankar,oldrank, 1 oldcub_len) end do do i = 1,ipopsize do j =1,lchrom newchrom(i,j)=0 end do do j=1,nparam newx(i,j)=0.0 end do newfit1(i)=0.0 newfit2(i)=0.0 end do call generation(oldchr1,newchrom,newx,oldx,oldfit1,oldfit2,newfit1 1 ,newfit2,factor,lsubstr,alow,ahigh,chr,oldrank,oldcub_len, 1 oldrankar,igen) c****here we make global population by mixing parents and children****** do i = 1,2*ipopsize do j =1,lchrom globchrom(i,j)=0 end do do j=1,nparam globx(i,j)=0.0 end do globfit1(i)=0.0 globfit2(i)=0.0 end do call global(oldchr1,newchrom,oldx,newx,oldfit1,newfit1,oldfit2, 1 newfit2,globchrom,globx,globfit1,globfit2) c****here we carry out ranking , sharing and making of pseudo parents *** c*****which can be used in next generation ************* call keepalive(globx,globchrom,globfit1,globfit2,keepx,keepchrom, 1 keepfit1,keepfit2,grank,grankno,gcub_len,oldrank,oldcub_len) do i = 1, ipopsize a11(i) = 0 a22(i) = 0 end do c*****here we make pseudo parents for the next generation******** do i=1,ipopsize oldfit1(i)=keepfit1(i) oldfit2(i)=keepfit2(i) a11(i)= (1/oldfit1(i)) - 1.0 a22(i)= (1/oldfit2(i)) - 1.0 do j=1,nparam oldx(i,j)= keepx(i,j) end do do j=1,lchrom oldchr1(i,j)= keepchrom(i,j) c write(*,*)'vvvv',oldchr1(i,j) end do c pause end do open(unit= 111, file='res2.txt') write(*,*)'gen=',igen write(111,*)'gen=',igen do i=1,ipopsize write(*,*) i,a11(i),a22(i) c end do c if(igen.eq.100)then c do i=1,ipopsize write(111,143)i,a11(i),a22(i) 143 format(1X,I3,1X,f10.5,1X,f10.5) end do open(unit = 11,file = 'cover0.txt') do i = 1,ipopsize read(11,*) nd1(i),nd2(i) enddo close(11) if(igen. gt.1)then sd=0 do i =1,ipopsize do j =1,ipopsize if(nd1(j-1). lt. a11(i). and. nd1(j). ge. a11(i))then nd2(i)=nd2(j-1) + &(nd2(j)-nd2(j-1))/(nd1(j)-nd1(j-1))*(a11(i)-nd1(j-1)) endif enddo sd = sd + (a22(i)-nd2(i))**2 enddo error = sd/ipopsize open(unit= 16, file='res1.txt') if(igen. eq. 2. or. igen. eq. 5. or.igen. eq. 10. or. &((igen/20)*20-igen). eq. 0)then write(16,*)igen, error endif endif c end if c pause c*******condition to go to next loop******** if(igen .lt. maxgen) goto 10 close(111) close (16) c pause stop end c******************all the subroutines atart here******************************* c ***** initializes GA parameters ***** c**********input all ur data here*********** subroutine initdata common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Non-dominated SortingII' write(*,*)' Genetic Algorithms in FORTRAN' write(*,*)' Kalyanmoy Deb' write(*,*)' & ' write(*,*)' Rahul Kasat' write(*,*)' All rights reserved' write(*,*)' ' c.....read all GA parameters write(*,*)'** GA data entry and initialization **' nparam=10 write(*,*) 'nparam -------> ',nparam c read(*,*) nparam lchrom=300 write(*,*) 'lchrom --------> ',lchrom ipopsize= 100 write(*,*) 'ipopsize ------------> ',ipopsize c read(*,*) ipopsize maxgen=1000 write(*,*) 'maxgen ------------>',maxgen c read(*,*) maxgen pcross=0.9 write(*,*) 'pcross-------->',pcross c read(*,*) pcross c lchrom = 900 c lchrom = 300.0 pmute=1.0/lchrom write(*,*) 'pmute -------> ',pmute c read(*,*) pmute pjump = 0.4 write(*,*)'pjump--------> ', pjump nmute = 0 ncross = 0 c pause return end c ***** initializes the data, population and C statistics variables **** subroutine initialize(oldchr1,oldx,oldfit1,oldfit2,factor, - lsubstr,alow,ahigh,dummyx,dummychr,oldrank,oldcub_len, - oldmaxrank,oldrankar,oldrankno) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump common/consts/fix integer oldchr1(200,1000),oldrank(200),oldmaxrank integer dummychr(1000),oldrankar(200,200) double precision oldx(200,50),oldcub_len(200) double precision oldfit1(200),oldfit2(200) double precision factor(nparam), dummyx(nparam) double precision alow(nparam), ahigh(nparam) integer lsubstr(nparam),oldrankno(200) c *****enter the string coding information********** c *****change 'i' to number and enter for nparam parameters separately***** c *****enter the length of substring for each variable******* lsubstr(1)= 30 c ******enter alow and ahigh here********* alow(1)= 0.0 ahigh(1)= 1.0 c *******calculate factor here********* factor(1) = 2.0**float(lsubstr(1))-1.0 do i = 2,10 lsubstr(i)= 30 alow(i)= -5.0 ahigh(i)= 5.0 factor(i) = 2.0**float(lsubstr(i))-1.0 end do c ******enter total length of the chromosome****** c lchrom=32 c *****INITIALIZE THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR************ call randomize c *****CREATE THE INITIAL POPULATION********** call initpop(oldchr1,oldx,oldfit1,oldfit2,dummyx,dummychr, - lsubstr,alow,ahigh,factor) oldmaxrank=0 do i=1,ipopsize oldrankno(i)=0 oldrank(i)=0 c oldcub_len(i)=0.0 do j=1,ipopsize oldrankar(i,j)=0 end do end do c *******doing the ranking in the initial population********** call initranking(oldfit1,oldfit2,oldrank,oldrankno,oldmaxrank, - oldrankar) write(*,*)'oldmaxrank=',oldmaxrank do i=1,ipopsize oldcub_len(i)=0.0 end do c ********doing the sharing for the diversity****************** do i=1,oldmaxrank call share1(i,oldfit1,oldfit2,oldrankno,oldrankar,oldrank, 1 oldcub_len) end do c *****report the initial population ************************ call initreport c write(*,*)'************************************************' write(*,*)'printing the information of initial parent population' write(*,*)'VALUES OF THE DIFFERENT PARAMETERS' write(*,*)'POPULATION NO. , X1 , X2..' do i = 1, ipopsize write(*,*) i,oldx(i,1) end do c pause write(*,*)'***************************************************' return end c ************subroutines needed for the random number generator********************* c.............. utility subroutines ................... c ***** function to find i mod j ***** function modop(i,j) modop = i - j*ifix(float(i)/float(j)) return end c *** random number initialization routines *** subroutine advance_random common /randvar/ oldrand,jrand real oldrand(55) do 11 j1 = 1,24 rand_new = oldrand(j1) - oldrand(j1+31) if(rand_new.lt.0.0) rand_new = rand_new + 1.0 oldrand(j1) = rand_new 11 continue do 12 j1 = 25,55 rand_new = oldrand(j1)-oldrand(j1-24) if(rand_new.lt.0.0) rand_new = rand_new+1.0 oldrand(j1) = rand_new 12 continue return end subroutine warmup_random(random_seed) real oldrand(55) common/randvar/oldrand,jrand oldrand(55) = random_seed rand_new = 1.0e-9 prev_rand = random_seed do 21 j1 = 1,54 ii = modop(21*j1,55) oldrand(ii) = rand_new rand_new = prev_rand - rand_new if(rand_new.lt.0.0) rand_new = rand_new + 1.0 prev_rand = oldrand(ii) 21 continue call advance_random call advance_random call advance_random jrand = 0 return end c ***** create a random number between 0 and 1 ***** function random() real oldrand(55) common/randvar/oldrand,jrand jrand = jrand + 1 if(jrand.gt.55) then jrand = 1 call advance_random endif random = oldrand(jrand) return end c ***** flip a coin with a probability prob ***** function iflip(prob) iflip = 0 if ((prob.eq.1.0).or.(random().le.prob)) iflip = 1 return end c * create a random integer between ilow and ihigh * function irnd(ilow,ihigh) if(ilow.ge.ihigh) then i = ilow else i = ifix(random()*(ihigh-ilow+1)+ilow) if(i.gt.ihigh) i = ihigh endif irnd = i return end c ***** initiate the random number generator ***** subroutine randomize common/consts/fix randomseed=0.88876 61 write(*,*)'enter seed random number (0.0 to 1.0)>',randomseed c read(*,*) randomseed if ((randomseed.lt.0) .or. (randomseed.gt.1.0)) - go to 61 call warmup_random(randomseed) fix = randomseed return end c\end{verbatim} c ***************subroutines used in the initpop*********** c.....***** generates initial random population ***** subroutine initpop(oldchr1,oldx,fitness1,fitness2,x,chr, - lsubstr,alow,ahigh,factor) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer oldchr1(200,1000), chr(lchrom) double precision oldx(200,50), fitness1(200),fitness2(200) double precision alow(nparam), ahigh(nparam), factor(nparam) integer lsubstr(nparam) double precision x(nparam) do 121 j = 1,ipopsize do 122 j1 = 1,lchrom c *******create random strings of 1 and 0******** chr(j1) = iflip(0.5) oldchr1(j,j1) = chr(j1) c write(*,*)'j j1 chrom',j,j1,oldchr1(j,j1) 122 continue c *******calculate x values from the string******* call decodevars(chr,x,lsubstr,alow,ahigh, - factor) do 123 j1 = 1,nparam oldx(j,j1) = x(j1) c write(*,*)' X = ',oldx(j,j1) 123 continue c ****** calculate the fitness of the string*********** fitness1(j) = funct1(x) fitness2(j) = funct2(x) c write(*,*) 'fit1= ,fit2=',fitness1(j),fitness2(j) 121 continue return end c ********decodvars************************************** c ***** decodes a substring of length lstr ***** function decode(chrom,id,lstr) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer chrom(lchrom) acc = 0.0 c.....multiplier is one for the first bit position powof2 = 1.0 do 71 j = 1,lstr c....... accumulate the bit value times the multiplier if(chrom(id+j) .eq. 1) acc = acc + powof2 c....... update multiplier for next bit position powof2 = powof2 * 2 71 continue decode = acc c write(*,*)'decode=',decode c pause return end c * map the decoded value in the specified region * function xmap(y,alo,ahi,denom) double precision alo, ahi,denom c.....linear mapping xmap = alo + (ahi-alo)*y/denom c write(*,*)alo,ahi,y,denom,xmap c write(*,*)'xmap=',xmap c pause return end c ** calculate the parameter value from a string ** subroutine decodevars(chrom,x,lsubstr,alow,ahigh, - factor) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer chrom(1000) integer lsubstr(50) double precision alow(50),ahigh(50),factor(50) double precision x(50) jpos = 0 do 10 j = 1,nparam c.......get the decoded value of the substring y = decode(chrom,jpos,lsubstr(j)) c...... map in the specified range for real value x(j) = xmap(y,alow(j),ahigh(j),factor(j)) c...... bit position for the next variable in the string jpos = jpos + lsubstr(j) c write(*,*)'x=',x(j),j 10 continue return end c*************subroutines for the ranking of initial population********************** subroutine initranking(ifit1,ifit2,irank,irankno, 1 imaxrank,irankar) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross,nmute,pcross, 1 pmute,nparam,pjump double precision ifit1(200),ifit2(200) integer irank(200),irankno(200),maxrank1,nondom integer irankar(200,200),iflag(200) integer imaxrank,rnk,q,i,j,k,val imaxrank=0 do i = 1, ipopsize irank(i)=0 irankno(i)=0 iflag(i)=2 end do do i=1,ipopsize do j=1,ipopsize irankar(i,j)=0 end do end do rnk=0 nondom=0 maxrank1=0 do k=1,ipopsize q=1 do j=1,ipopsize if(iflag(j).ne.1) goto 1001 if(j.eq.ipopsize) goto 1002 end do 1001 rnk = rnk+1 do j=1,ipopsize if(iflag(j).eq.0) iflag(j)=2 end do do i=1,ipopsize if(iflag(i).ne.1 .and. iflag(i).ne.0) then do j=1,ipopsize if(i.ne.j) then if(iflag(j).ne.1) then val= value(ifit1(i),ifit1(j),ifit2(i), 1 ifit2(j)) if (val.eq.2) then iflag(i)=0 goto 1003 end if if (val.eq.1) iflag(j)=0 if (val.eq.3) then nondom = nondom+1 if(iflag(j).ne.0) iflag(j)=3 end if end if end if if(j .eq. ipopsize) then irank(i)=rnk iflag(i)=1 c write(*,*)'i=',i irankar(rnk,q)=i c write(*,*)'irankar=',irankar(rnk,q) q = q+1 end if end do end if 1003 end do irankno(rnk)=q-1 end do 1002 maxrank1=rnk imaxrank = maxrank1 return end c*********function indcmp*used in initranking******************** function value(oldfit11,oldfit12,oldfit21,oldfit22) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross,nmute,pcross, 1 pmute,nparam,pjump double precision oldfit11,oldfit12,oldfit21,oldfit22 if(((oldfit11 .ge. oldfit12) .and.((oldfit21 - oldfit22) .gt. 1 1e-7)) .or.(((oldfit11 - oldfit12) .gt.1e-7) .and. 1 (oldfit21.ge.oldfit22))) then value = 1 else if(((oldfit11 .le. oldfit12).and.((oldfit22 - oldfit21).gt. 1 1e-7)) .or.(((oldfit12 - oldfit11) .gt.1e-7) .and. 1 (oldfit22 .ge. oldfit21))) then value=2 else value=3 end if return end c******subroutine for sharing for initial population************* subroutine share1(rnk,sfit1,sfit2,srankno,srankar,srank, 1 scub_len) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump double precision sfit1(200),sfit2(200),scub_len(200) double precision fpara(200,3),length(200,3),max integer rnk,srankno(200),srankar(200,200) integer srank(200),i,m1,a m1 = srankno(rnk) c write(*,*)'m1=',m1 do i=1,m1 fpara(i,1)=0.0 fpara(i,2)=0.0 length(i,1)=0.0 length(i,2)=0.0 end do do i=1,m1 a= srankar(rnk,i) fpara(i,1)=real(a) fpara(i,2)=sfit1(a) end do call sort(m1,fpara) max = fpara(m1,2) do i=1,m1 if(i.eq.1 .or. i.eq.m1)then length(i,1)=fpara(i,1) length(i,2)=100*max else length(i,1)=fpara(i,1) length(i,2)=abs(fpara(i+1,2)-fpara(i-1,2)) end if end do do i=1,m1 a=length(i,1) scub_len(a)=scub_len(a)+length(i,2) end do do i=1,m1 fpara(i,1)=0 fpara(i,2)=0 length(i,1)=0 length(i,2)=0 end do do i=1,m1 a= srankar(rnk,i) fpara(i,1)=real(a) fpara(i,2)=sfit2(a) c write(*,*)i,fpara(i,1),fpara(i,2) end do call sort(m1,fpara) max = fpara(m1,2) do i=1,m1 if(i.eq.1 .or. i.eq.m1)then length(i,1)=fpara(i,1) length(i,2)=100*max else length(i,1)=fpara(i,1) length(i,2)=abs(fpara(i+1,2)-fpara(i-1,2)) end if end do do i=1,m1 a=length(i,1) scub_len(a)=scub_len(a)+length(i,2) c write(*,*) a,oldcub_len(a) end do return end c*********function sotr is used in sharing************* subroutine sort(m1,fpara) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer m1,i1,k1 double precision temp,temp1,fpara(200,3) do k1=1,m1-1 do i1=k1+1,m1 if(fpara(k1,2) .gt. fpara(i1,2))then temp=fpara(k1,2) temp1=fpara(k1,1) fpara(k1,2)=fpara(i1,2) fpara(k1,1)=fpara(i1,1) fpara(i1,2)=temp fpara(i1,1)=temp1 end if end do end do return end c*****************put ur 1st objective function here******** c ***** objective function for optimization ***** function funct1(x) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump double precision x(nparam) aobj=x(1) c.....this transformation is for minimization problems funct1 = 1.0/(1.0+aobj) return end c ***** put ur 2nd objective function for optimization here ***** function funct2(x) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump double precision x(nparam),sum,gx sum = 0 do i = 2, nparam sum = sum + (x(i)*x(i) - 10.0*cos(12.56*x(i))) end do gx = 1.0 + 10*(nparam - 1)+sum aobj = gx*(1.0- sqrt(x(1)/gx)) c.....this transformation is for minimization problems funct2 = 1.0/(1.0+aobj) return end c*********initial report subroutine*********** c ***** prints report of initial population ***** subroutine initreport common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump common/statist/igen,avg,amax,amin,sumfitness common/consts/fix write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Non-dominated SortingII' write(*,*)' Genetic Algorithms in FORTRAN' write(*,*)' by ' write(*,*)' RahulKasat' write(*,*)' All rights reserved' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' GA parameters ' write(*,*)' ----------------- ' write(*,*)' ' c.....print the GA parameters write(*,9050) ipopsize write(*,9051) lchrom write(*,9052) maxgen write(*,9053) pcross write(*,9054) pmute write(*,9055) fix write(*,*) ' ' 9050 format(' population size = ',i4) 9051 format(' chromosome length = ',i4) 9052 format(' max. # of generations = ',i4) 9053 format(' crossover probability = ',f8.5) 9054 format(' mutation probabilty = ',f8.5) 9055 format(' seed random number = ',f8.5) return end c *******subroutine generation*********** subroutine generation(oldchr1,newchrom,newx,oldx,oldfit1,oldfit2, 1 newfit1,newfit2,factor,lsubstr,alow,ahigh,chr,oldrank, 1 oldcub_len,oldrankar,igen) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer oldchr1(200,1000),newchrom(200,1000) integer chr(1000),lsubstr(50),oldrank(200) integer oldrankar(200,200),mate1,mate2,mate3 integer rchr(200,1000),rrank(200) integer rrankar(200,200) double precision newx(200,50),x(50),oldfit1(200) double precision oldfit2(200),newfit1(200),newfit2(200) double precision factor(50),alow(50),ahigh(50) double precision oldcub_len(200),r,r1,r2,r3 double precision rx(200,50),rfit1(200),rfit2(200) double precision rcub_len(200),oldx(200,50) c*******tournament selection operator******** do i = 1,ipopsize do j =1,lchrom rchr(i,j)=0 end do do j=1,nparam rx(i,j)=0.0 end do rfit1(i)=0.0 rfit2(i)=0.0 rrank(i)=0 rcub_len(i)=0.0 end do call nselect(oldchr1,oldfit1,oldfit2,oldrank,oldcub_len, 1 oldx,rchr,rfit1,rfit2,rrank,rcub_len,rx) j=1 k=0 s=0 n=ipopsize c***** select the mates for the xover and mutation********* 181 r= random() r=r*ipopsize If(iflip(0.90) .eq. 1) then r=irnd(1,10) !PUT nelit HERE, USED AS 10 endif r1=nint(r) if(r1.eq.0) r1=ipopsize-n if(r1 .eq.ipopsize) r1=(ipopsize-4)/2 if(r1.eq.0) r1=ipopsize-n+1 mate1=r1 c write(*,*)'mate1',mate1 if(mate1.eq.0) mate1 = mate1 + 1 r= random() r=r*ipopsize If(iflip(0.90) .eq. 1) then r=irnd(11,ipopsize) !PUT nelit+1 to Np HERE endif r2=nint(r) if(r2.eq.0) r2=ipopsize-k if(r2 .eq.ipopsize) r2=(ipopsize-2)/2 if(r2.eq.0) r2=ipopsize-k+1 mate2=r2 c write(*,*)'mate2',mate2 if(mate2.eq.0)mate2=mate2+1 if (mate1 .eq. mate2) goto 181 cc HAPLODIPLOID ARRANGEMENT USING THIRD MATE If(iflip(0.90) .eq. 1) then r=irnd(11,ipopsize) !put nelit+1 to Np here endif r3=nint(r) if(r3.eq.0) r2=ipopsize-s if(r3 .eq.ipopsize) r3=(ipopsize-2)/2 if(r3.eq.0) r3=ipopsize-s+1 mate3=r3 c write(*,*)'mate2',mate2 if(mate3.eq.0)mate3=mate3+1 if (mate1 .eq. mate3) goto 181 c.....perform crossover using the selected mates call crossover(j,mate1,mate2,mate3,rchr,newchrom) c.....compute real values of the first child string do 20 j1 = 1,lchrom chr(j1) = newchrom(j,j1) c write(*,*)'j,j1,new1',j,j1,newchrom(j,j1) 20 continue call decodevars(chr,x,lsubstr,alow,ahigh,factor) do 10 j1 = 1,nparam newx(j,j1) = x(j1) c write(*,*)'j , j1,newx',j,j1,newx(j,j1) 10 continue c.....compute fitness of the first child string newfit1(j) = funct1(x) newfit2(j) = funct2(x) c newfit(j)=newfit1(j) c.....compute real values of the second child string do 22 j1 = 1,lchrom chr(j1) = newchrom(j+1,j1) c write(*,*)'j,j1,new2',j+1,j1,newchrom(j+1,j1) 22 continue call decodevars(chr,x,lsubstr,alow,ahigh,factor) do 11 j1 = 1,nparam newx(j+1,j1) = x(j1) c write(*,*)'j , j1,newx',j+1,j1,newx(j+1,j1) 11 continue c.....compute fitness of the second child string newfit1(j+1) = funct1(x) newfit2(j+1) = funct2(x) c newfit(j+1) = newfit1(j+1) c.....update the individial count in the population j = j + 2 k=k+2 s=s+2 n=n-2 c.....if the population is already filled up, quit if(j .le. ipopsize) go to 181 c pause return end c******tournament selection subroutine******** subroutine nselect(oldchr1,oldfit1,oldfit2,oldrank, 1 oldcub_len,oldx,rchr,rfit1,rfit2,rrank,rcub_len,rx) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer oldchr1(200,1000),oldrank(200) integer s1rank,s1chr(1000) integer rchr(200,1000),rrank(200) double precision oldfit1(200), oldfit2(200),s1cub_len,s2cub_len double precision oldcub_len(200),rcub_len(200),s1x(50) double precision rx(200,50),rfit1(200),rfit2(200) integer rnd,k,n,s2rank,s2chr(1000),rnd1 double precision rnd2,s1fit1,s1fit2,s2fit1,s2fit2,s2x(50) double precision oldx(200,50),rnd3 k=0 do n=1,ipopsize c*****selecting first member****** If(iflip(0.90) .eq. 1) then 28 rnd2=random() rnd2=ipopsize*rnd2 rnd=nint(rnd2) c write(*,*)'rnd',rnd if(rnd.eq.0) rnd = ipopsize-k if(rnd.eq.ipopsize) rnd=(ipopsize-2)/2 if(rnd.eq.0) rnd = rnd + 1 c write(*,*)'rnd',rnd s1rank=oldrank(rnd) if(s1rank. gt. 1. and. n. lt. 11)then !put nelit+1 here goto 28 endif else rnd2=random() rnd2=ipopsize*rnd2 rnd=nint(rnd2) c write(*,*)'rnd',rnd if(rnd.eq.0) rnd = ipopsize-k if(rnd.eq.ipopsize) rnd=(ipopsize-2)/2 if(rnd.eq.0) rnd = rnd + 1 c write(*,*)'rnd',rnd s1rank=oldrank(rnd) endif s1cub_len=oldcub_len(rnd) do j=1,lchrom s1chr(j)=oldchr1(rnd,j) c write(*,*)'chr1',s1chr(j) end do do j=1,nparam s1x(j)=oldx(rnd,j) end do s1fit1=oldfit1(rnd) s1fit2=oldfit2(rnd) C **** SELECTING SECOND MEMBER******* If(iflip(0.90) .eq. 1) then 29 rnd3=random() rnd3=ipopsize*rnd3 rnd1=nint(rnd3) c write(*,*)'rnd1',rnd1 if(rnd1.eq.0) rnd1 = ipopsize-n if(rnd1.eq.ipopsize) rnd1=(ipopsize-4)/2 if(rnd1.eq.0) rnd1 = rnd1 + 1 c write(*,*)'rnd1',rnd1 s2rank=oldrank(rnd1) if(s2rank. gt. 2. and. n. lt. 11)then !put nelit+1 to Np here goto 29 endif else rnd3=random() rnd3=ipopsize*rnd3 rnd1=nint(rnd3) c write(*,*)'rnd1',rnd1 if(rnd1.eq.0) rnd1 = ipopsize-n if(rnd1.eq.ipopsize) rnd1=(ipopsize-4)/2 if(rnd1.eq.0) rnd1 = rnd1 + 1 c write(*,*)'rnd1',rnd1 s2rank=oldrank(rnd1) endif s2cub_len=oldcub_len(rnd1) do j=1,lchrom s2chr(j)=oldchr1(rnd1,j) c write(*,*)'s2chr',s2chr(j) end do do j=1,nparam s2x(j)=oldx(rnd1,j) end do s2fit1=oldfit1(rnd1) s2fit2=oldfit2(rnd1) c*****doing tornament selection********** if(s1rank .gt. s2rank) then c*****select 2 nd member********** c write(*,*)'******select2******' rrank(n)=s2rank rcub_len(n)=s2cub_len do j=1,lchrom rchr(n,j)=s2chr(j) end do do j=1,nparam rx(n,j)=s2x(j) end do rfit1(n)=s2fit1 rfit2(n)=s2fit2 else if(s1rank .lt. s2rank) then c*****select the 1st member*******\ c write(*,*)'*******yes1*******' rrank(n)=s1rank rcub_len(n)=s1cub_len do j=1,lchrom rchr(n,j)=s1chr(j) end do do j=1,nparam rx(n,j)=s1x(j) end do rfit1(n)=s1fit1 rfit2(n)=s1fit2 else if(s1cub_len .lt. s2cub_len) then C***select the 2 nd member************ c write(*,*)'*******yes2******' rrank(n)=s2rank rcub_len(n)=s2cub_len do j=1,lchrom rchr(n,j)=s2chr(j) end do do j=1,nparam rx(n,j)=s2x(j) end do rfit1(n)=s2fit1 rfit2(n)=s2fit2 else if(s1cub_len .gt. s2cub_len) then c *** select the first member************ c write(*,*)'********yes1**********' rrank(n)=s1rank rcub_len(n)=s1cub_len do j=1,lchrom rchr(n,j)=s1chr(j) end do do j=1,nparam rx(n,j)=s1x(j) end do rfit1(n)=s1fit1 rfit2(n)=s1fit2 else c write(*,*)'any' rrank(n)=s1rank rcub_len(n)=s1cub_len do j=1,lchrom rchr(n,j)=s1chr(j) end do do j=1,nparam rx(n,j)=s1x(j) end do rfit1(n)=s1fit1 rfit2(n)=s1fit2 end if k= k+1 end do return end c*******subroutine for the crossover**************' c *** performs single-point crossover c between mate1 and mate2 *** subroutine crossover(ipop,mate1,mate2,mate3,rchr, - newchrom) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer rchr(200,1000) integer newchrom(200,1000),jcross1, jcross2 double precision tempe c.....check if a crossover is to be performed jcross1 = 0 jcross2 = 0 R = 0 If(iflip(pcross) .eq. 1) then if(iflip(0.5) .eq. 0 ) then R=1 endif c.....if yes, create a random cross site jcross1 = irnd(1,int(lchrom*0.5)-1) jcross2 = irnd(int(lchrom*0.5)+1, lchrom-1) c this loop includes haploid crossover if(iflip(0.9). eq. 1) then mate3 = mate2 endif c write(*,*)'jcross',jcross ncross = ncross + 1 do 171 j = 1,jcross1 newchrom(ipop, j) = mutation(rchr(mate1,j)) newchrom(ipop+1,j) = mutation(rchr(mate2,j)) 171 continue do 174 j = int(lchrom*0.5) + 1,jcross2 newchrom(ipop, j) = mutation(rchr(mate1,j)) newchrom(ipop+1,j) = mutation(rchr(mate3,j)) 174 continue c.....swap from the cross site till the end of string do 172 j = jcross1 + 1,int(lchrom*0.5) if(R. eq. 1)then newchrom(ipop, j) = mutation(rchr(mate2,int(lchrom*0.5)+j)) newchrom(ipop+1,j+int(lchrom*0.5)) = mutation(rchr(mate1,j)) else newchrom(ipop, j) = mutation(rchr(mate2,j)) newchrom(ipop+1,j) = mutation(rchr(mate1,j)) endif 172 continue do 180 j = jcross2+1, lchrom if(R. eq. 1)then newchrom(ipop, j) = mutation(rchr(mate3,j-int(lchrom*0.5))) newchrom(ipop+1,j-int(lchrom*0.5)) = mutation(rchr(mate1,j)) else newchrom(ipop, j) = mutation(rchr(mate3,j)) newchrom(ipop+1,j) = mutation(rchr(mate1,j)) endif 180 continue else do 271 j = 1,lchrom newchrom(ipop, j) = mutation(rchr(mate1,j)) newchrom(ipop+1,j) = mutation(rchr(mate2,j)) 271 continue endif c.....copy till the cross site as it is 173 do i =ipop,ipop+1 c write(*,*)'ipop',i c do j = 1, lchrom c write(*,*)'initial string',i,j,newchrom(i,j) c end do c pause jjump = 0 If(iflip(pjump) .eq. 1) then c write(*,*)'lets do jumping genes' c.....if yes, create a random cross site jjump1 = irnd(1,lchrom-25) jjump2 = jjump1+25 !irnd(1,lchrom-1) c write(*,*)'jjjjj',jjump1,jjump2 c write(*,*)'jcross',jcross c ncross = ncross + 1 else c write (*,*)'I am in dead zone going to 251' jjump1 = jjump2 goto 251 endif c If(iflip(pjump) .eq. 1) then cc write(*,*)'lets do jumping genes' cc.....if yes, create a random cross site c jjump1 = irnd(1,lchrom-1) c jjump2 = irnd(1,lchrom-1) cc write(*,*)'jjjjj',jjump1,jjump2 cc write(*,*)'jcross',jcross cc ncross = ncross + 1 c else cc write (*,*)'I am in dead zone going to 251' c jjump1 = jjump2 c goto 251 c endif c if (jjump1 .gt. jjump2) then c tempe = jjump1 c jjump1 = jjump2 c jjump2 = tempe c endif do j1 = jjump1+1, jjump2 c *******create random strings of 1 and 0******** newchrom(i,j1) = iflip(0.5) c oldchr1(j,j1) = chr(j1) c write(*,*)'j j1 chrom',j,j1,oldchr1(j,j1) end do c do j = 1, lchrom c write(*,*)'initial string',i,j,newchrom(i,j) c end do 251 end do return end c **** returns 1 if ivalue = 0 and vice versa **** function logicalnot(ivalue) integer ivalue logicalnot = 0 if(ivalue .eq. 0) logicalnot = 1 return end c *** mutates ivalue with probability 'pmute' *** function mutation(ivalue) integer ivalue common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump mutation = ivalue c.....check if a mutation is to be performed if(iflip(pmute) .eq. 1) then c....... if yes, perform mutation mutation = logicalnot(ivalue) nmute = nmute + 1 endif return end c*******making the global population******** c ***** copy new population to old population ***** subroutine global(oldchr1,newchrom,oldx,newx,oldfit1,newfit1, 1 oldfit2,newfit2,globchrom,globx,globfit1,globfit2) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer oldchr1(200,1000),newchrom(200,1000) integer globchrom(400,1000) double precision oldx(200,50), newx(200,50) double precision oldfit1(200), newfit1(200),newfit2(200) double precision oldfit2(200), globfit2(400) double precision globx(400,50),globfit1(400) do 191 i = 1,ipopsize c**********copy the parents and children strings******************* do 192 j = 1,lchrom globchrom(i+ipopsize,j) = newchrom(i,j) globchrom(i,j) = oldchr1(i,j) c write(*,*)'gold gnew',globchr(i+ipopsize,j),globchr(i,j) 192 continue c.**********copy the variables*********** do 193 j = 1,nparam globx(i+ipopsize,j) = newx(i,j) globx(i,j) = oldx(i,j) 193 continue c********** finally, copy the fitnesses************** globfit1(i+ipopsize) = newfit1(i) globfit2(i+ipopsize) = newfit2(i) globfit1(i) = oldfit1(i) globfit2(i) = oldfit2(i) 191 continue return end c*******subroutine of keepalive******** subroutine gsorting(rnk,sel,grankno,grankar,gcub_len,gflag) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer rnk,sel,grankno(400),gflag(400),i,j integer grankar(400,400),q,a double precision gcub_len(400),array1(400,3),temp,temp1 q= grankno(rnk) do i =1,q array1(i,1)= grankar(rnk,i) a=grankar(rnk,i) array1(i,2)=gcub_len(a) end do do i=1,q-1 do j = i+1,q if(array1(i,2) .le. array1(j,2)) then temp=array1(i,2) temp1=array1(i,1) array1(i,2)=array1(j,2) array1(i,1)=array1(j,1) array1(j,2)=temp array1(j,1)=temp1 end if end do end do do i=1,sel a=array1(i,1) gflag(a)=1 end do return end c*******subroutine for the keepalive*********** subroutine keepalive(globx,globchrom,globfit1,globfit2,keepx, 1 keepchrom,keepfit1,keepfit2,grank,grankno,gcub_len, 1 oldrank,oldcub_len) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer grankar(400,400),oldrank(200) integer keeprankno(200),globchrom(400,1000) integer grankno(400),z,gmaxrank integer grank(400),gflag(400),poolf,sel integer keepchrom(200,1000),i,j,k,m,st,pool double precision gcub_len(400),keepfit1(200),oldcub_len(200) double precision keepfit2(200),keepx(200,50) double precision globx(400,50),globfit1(400) double precision globfit2(400),keepcub_len(200) do i =1,2*ipopsize gcub_len(i)=0.0 grank(i)=0 grankno(i)=0 end do gmaxrank = 0 call granking(globfit1,globfit2,grank,grankno,gmaxrank,grankar) write(*,*)'gmaxrank',gmaxrank c pause m=gmaxrank do i =1,gmaxrank call gshare(i,globfit1,globfit2,grankno,grankar,grank,gcub_len) end do poolf = ipopsize pool=0 do i=1,2*ipopsize gflag(i)=0 end do st=0 z=1 do i =1,m st=pool pool=pool+grankno(i) if(pool .lt. ipopsize) then do k=1,2*ipopsize if(grank(k) .eq. i) gflag(k) =1 end do else sel=ipopsize-st c write(*,*)'selllllll',sel call gsorting(i,sel,grankno,grankar,gcub_len,gflag) goto 1101 end if end do c write(*,*)'hhahklhdsakfh' c open(unit = 113, file='res6.txt') 1101 do i=1,2*ipopsize if(gflag(i) .eq.1) then c write(*,*)'mem',i keepfit1(z)=globfit1(i) keepfit2(z)=globfit2(i) keepcub_len(z) = gcub_len(i) c write(*,*)'hdhhcdh',grank(z) do j=1,nparam keepx(z,j)= globx(i,j) c write(*,*)'kkkk',z,i,keepx(z,j),gcub_len(i) end do do j=1,lchrom c write(*,*)'hhh',i,j, globchrom(i,j) keepchrom(z,j)= globchrom(i,j) c write(*,*)'keppp',keepchrom(z,j) end do c pause z=z+1 end if end do return end c*************subroutines for the ranking of global population********************** subroutine granking(globfit1,globfit2,grank,grankno,gmaxrank, 1 grankar) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross,nmute,pcross, 1 pmute,nparam,pjump double precision globfit1(400),globfit2(400) integer grank(400),grankno(400),maxrank2,nondom integer rnk,grankar(400,400),gflg(400) integer q,i,j,k,val,popsize1,gmaxrank popsize1=ipopsize*2 do i = 1, popsize1 grank(i)=0 grankno(i)=0 gflg(i)=2 end do do i=1,popsize1 do j=1,popsize1 grankar(i,j)=0 end do end do rnk=0 nondom=0 maxrank1=0 gmaxrank=0 do k=1,popsize1 q=1 do j=1,popsize1 if(gflg(j).ne.1) goto 1001 if(j.eq.popsize1) goto 1002 end do 1001 rnk = rnk+1 do j=1,popsize1 if(gflg(j).eq.0) gflg(j)=2 end do do i=1,popsize1 if(gflg(i).ne.1 .and. gflg(i).ne.0) then do j=1,popsize1 if(i .ne.j) then if(gflg(j) .ne.1) then val= gvalue(globfit1(i),globfit1(j),globfit2(i), 1 globfit2(j)) if (val.eq.2) then gflg(i)=0 goto 1003 end if if (val.eq.1) gflg(j)=0 if (val.eq.3) then nondom = nondom+1 if(gflg(j).ne.0) gflg(j)=3 end if end if end if if(j .eq. popsize1) then grank(i)=rnk gflg(i)=1 grankar(rnk,q)=i q = q+1 end if end do end if 1003 end do grankno(rnk)=q-1 end do 1002 maxrank2=rnk gmaxrank = maxrank2 c pause return end c*********function indcmp of granking********************* function gvalue(pfit11,pfit12,pfit21,pfit22) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross,nmute,pcross, 1 pmute,nparam,pjump double precision pfit11,pfit12,pfit21,pfit22 c write(*,*)'fit',pfit11,pfit12,pfit21,pfit22 if(((pfit11 .ge. pfit12) .and.((pfit21 - pfit22) .gt. 1 1e-7)) .or.(((pfit11 - pfit12) .gt.1e-7).and.(pfit21 1 .ge.pfit22))) then gvalue = 1 else if(((pfit11 .le. pfit12).and.((pfit22 - pfit21).gt. 1 1e-7)) .or.(((pfit12 - pfit11) .gt.1e-7) .and. 1 (pfit22 .ge. pfit21))) then gvalue=2 else gvalue=3 end if c write(*,*)'valu=', gvalue c pause return end c******subroutine for sharing of global population************* subroutine gshare (rnk,globfit1,globfit2,grankno,grankar,grank, 1 gcub_len) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump double precision globfit1(400),globfit2(400) double precision gcub_len(400) double precision fpara(400,3),length(400,3),max integer rnk,grankno(400),grankar(400,400) integer grank(400),i,m1,a m1 = grankno(rnk) do i=1,m1 fpara(i,1)=0.0 fpara(i,2)=0.0 length(i,1)=0.0 length(i,2)=0.0 end do do i=1,m1 a= grankar(rnk,i) fpara(i,1)=real(a) fpara(i,2)=globfit1(a) end do call globalsort(m1,fpara) max = fpara(m1,2) do i=1,m1 if(i.eq.1 .or. i.eq.m1)then length(i,1)=fpara(i,1) length(i,2)=100*max else length(i,1)=fpara(i,1) length(i,2)=abs(fpara(i+1,2)-fpara(i-1,2)) end if end do do i=1,m1 a=length(i,1) gcub_len(a)=gcub_len(a)+length(i,2) end do do i=1,m1 fpara(i,1)=0.0 fpara(i,2)=0.0 length(i,1)=0.0 length(i,2)=0.0 end do do i=1,m1 a= grankar(rnk,i) fpara(i,1)=real(a) fpara(i,2)=globfit2(a) end do call globalsort(m1,fpara) max = fpara(m1,2) do i=1,m1 if(i.eq.1 .or. i.eq.m1)then length(i,1)=fpara(i,1) length(i,2)=100*max else length(i,1)=fpara(i,1) length(i,2)=abs(fpara(i+1,2)-fpara(i-1,2)) end if end do do i=1,m1 a=length(i,1) gcub_len(a)=gcub_len(a)+length(i,2) end do return end c*********function sotr is used in sharing************* subroutine globalsort(m1,fpara) common/sgaparam/ipopsize,lchrom,maxgen,ncross, - nmute,pcross,pmute,nparam,pjump integer m1,i1,k1 double precision temp,temp1,fpara(400,3) do k1=1,m1-1 do i1=k1+1,m1 if(fpara(k1,2) .gt. fpara(i1,2)) then temp=fpara(k1,2) temp1=fpara(k1,1) fpara(k1,2)=fpara(i1,2) fpara(k1,1)=fpara(i1,1) fpara(i1,2)=temp fpara(i1,1)=temp1 end if end do end do return end